
evidence of a forgotten art

25.11.2022 – 16.4.2023

Imaginative landscapes, fairy tales and legends, curious family events and oddballs from everyday life: China of the 19th and 20th centuries is presented in a luminous manner on the artful reverse glass pictures from the Rupprecht Mayer collection.



Created in China between 1850 and 1965, the multicolored images take up lucky motifs as well as mythological, historical and literary themes of Chinese culture. During the implementation, the mostly anonymous artists also focused on people's everyday lives and thus illustrate social preferences and changes in the reverse glass pictures.



The technique of reverse glass painting, originally developed in Europe, made its way to China about 300 years ago. Due to its textual nature, glass became a popular painting surface for the staging of color and light. The approximately 80 works in the exhibition thus also represent a cultural transfer, a complex interlocking of East and West. In the exhibition, abstract reverse-glass paintings by the contemporary artist Kurt Baumfeld bridge the gap into the 21st century.





There is something exciting about the special exhibition mediation program.

Private group tours can be booked individually via the info ( | 0511-9807686) can be booked. The tours are also available in Chinese.

getting here

Underground: Aegidientorplatz
Bus: Rathaus / Bleichenstraße lines 100 and 200
Rathaus / Friedrichswall line 120
Parking in the surrounding streets

opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday 10 am - 18 pm
closed on Mondays

ticket prices

10 € | reduced 8 € | Families 20 €
including collections

Combined ticket special exhibitions
15 € | reduced 12 € | Families 30 €
including collections