
from monet to corinth

16.7.2021 – 25.9.2022

In Europe in the early 19th century, a new type of artist appeared: the open-air painter.
His works of art are created outdoors in order to capture realistic color effects and lighting conditions.
For a long time the "plein airists" were the subject of caricature and art criticism - today these artists are extremely popular.





Based on traditional studio painting, the show shows the turn to open-air painting around 1820 using the example of the »Barbizon School« and the famous French Impressionists. Impressive works of German art from the period between 1850 and 1930 then take the viewer to the preferred painting locations: "In the city", "By the sea", "In the country" and "In the garden" combine masterpieces of German impressionism with those that have never been shown before Paintings.




In addition, exhibits from the NaturWorlds make the day by the sea come alive.



With the principle of video collage, Christoph Girardet and Matthias Müller also create the poetic mode of a timeless perception of nature. The external and internal expectations of looking at the sea are similar to the initial situation of those artists who moved into nature over 100 years ago in order to capture them on sketch paper and canvases.

view of the exhibition




Video message from Prof. Dr. Katja Lembke

Director of the Landesmuseum Hannover



Video message from Björn Thümler

Lower Saxony Minister for Science and Culture




Video message from Dr. Thomas Andratschke

Exhibition curator



The MediaGuide enables you to take a virtual tour of the exhibition and presents selected highlights.


Click here for the MediaGuide




 "Outdoors" for the ear: Listen to the Spotify playlist, filled with songs that are about life in the open air.

Click here for the playlist

There is an exciting educational program for school classes relating to the special exhibition.

Download teacher information on the special exhibition "Outdoors"



Director Prof. Dr. Katja Lembke
in conversation with the Harmsen family



getting here

Underground: Aegidientorplatz
Bus: Rathaus / Bleichenstraße lines 100 and 200
Rathaus / Friedrichswall line 120
Parking in the surrounding streets

opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday 10 am - 18 pm
closed on Mondays

ticket prices

10 € | reduced 8 € | Families 20 €
including collections

Combined ticket special exhibitions
15 € | reduced 12 € | Families 30 €
including collections

Funded by