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life in ancient Etruria

tour + workshop (optional)

Artfully crafted jewelry, mythological creatures on ceramics, magnificent grave furnishings: this tour offers an overview of the everyday life of the Etruscans. What did they believe in? How did they bury their dead? What role did beauty and aesthetics play? And how did people live in the region of what is now Lower Saxony at the same time? In addition to looking beyond Etruria, the emergence of modern archeology as a science since the 19th century is also discussed. What is the difference between archaeological research then and now?

In order to deepen the topic, one of the following workshops, thematically appropriate to the tour, can be booked:

  • Model hero figure | Class 5 + 6
  • Jewelry workshop | Class 5

Tour: 60 minutes | Workshop: 60 minutes Guided tour: 40 € | Workshop: 40 € Sec I, Sec II Guided tour: Sec I + II | Workshop: Sec I

If you have any questions, you can reach our visitors service colleagues Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m. at (0511) 9807 - 686 or

booking request